LINE Rangers & Chained Soldier10.4.3

Yawn: The Game

There's nothing that gets me bored quicker than freemiums that make me learn how to work several upgrade screens along with what the numerous resources and loading bars do before I can play a simplistic game, which turns out eventually not to require much thought at all. Well, my eyelids get heavy during late evening classes too, but that's beside the point.

LINE Rangers

Do you know those games that have you spawning units which advance automatically towards the enemy? Well, LINE Rangers is just that, but with a ton of bells and whistles attached to it. The idea is that an alien mascot called Suzi (or something similar, I don't remember) has arrived on Earth and charmed an entire coterie of LINE mascots into accepting her as some leader or idol, only to be later kidnapped.

Who did it? Why did they do it? Who cares? Following the standard freemium progression road, you will be fighting on missions, upgrading your squad and inviting "allies" that are sensibly more powerful than your average grunt to join the fray. You can also unlock unique weapons to assist you on every theater of operations, but mostly, it all boils down to spawning what you think is best when the crystal pool has regenerated enough. Very original!

LINE Rangers

Now, I don't know how LINE Rangers sounds because I turned down the media volume as soon as the game's intro music started screaming. However, I'm sure it's lovely.

On the brights side, I didn't experience any technical failure. The game works smoothly, except that it twice downloaded a ton of data, both instances taking a lot of time while assuring me that it was the ONLY time when this would happen. Right... It clogged up my local storage, so I had to remove the damn app ultimately. Luck has it that I managed to draw some photos before I ferociously hit the Uninstall button.

Final Thoughts

If you enjoy overly convoluted systems on top of simple concepts, then LINE Rangers is the game for you! However, if you don't care about that at all, then might I recommend you go and play something else. Peace!

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Downloads: 38
Updated At: 2024-10-18
Operating System: Android
License Type: Free